Loose Leaf Foundation




What is Loose Leaf Foundation?

Loose Leaf is a nonprofit organization that supports Oklahoma teachers’ and students’ everyday educational needs by donating much-needed copy paper.  


How did Loose Leaf come about?

In and out of Oklahoma schools on a daily basis as Owners of Oklahoma School Pictures, Bart Baker and Nathan Dunn see firsthand how cuts to public education affect teachers and students. In addition to low teacher pay, outdated classroom materials, growing class sizes and reduced per-student spending, teachers across the state don’t have adequate paper to make copies for their students. While meeting with teacher Jennifer Lowery at Fairview Elementary School in Moore, Baker realized how limited teachers’ supplies of copy paper really are. When he asked other teachers what one resource they wished they had more of, they resoundingly replied: copy paper. Loose Leaf was born out of a desire to support Oklahoma teachers and students everyday educational needs that might otherwise go unmet.


How do you decide which schools receive paper?

Paper donations are made at the discretion of the Loose Leaf Board, based on the amount of paper we are able to provide and the need of Oklahoma schools/districts.


How do you get the paper?

When we approached Timber Creek Paper about Loose Leaf, they were eager to support our mission and offer us a great deal on copy paper. We rely on individuals, families and businesses to supply the funds for us to buy the paper and rent vehicles in which to transport it to schools.


Do you take donations or supply items other than paper?

Our mission is strictly focused on supplying schools and teachers with paper because we believe it’s their most critical need. We encourage individuals or businesses who wish to donate toner, printers, copiers, computers or other related items to directly contact the school or district office they wish to donate those items to. 


Are my donations tax deductible? 

Loose Leaf is in the process of obtaining our 501(c)3, at which time donations will be tax deductible.


How can I help?

We rely on generous donors like you to further our mission. If you would like to make a cash donation or donate copy paper, please call 405-753-6800 or email [email protected]. ***Please note: Oklahoma schools have specifications on the type of copy paper that will work in their machines. If you wish to donate paper, we will provide you those specifications so you know what to purchase.***